Full of fun games and activities for younger children
Full of fun games and activities for younger children
Online resources and activities for all age groups and subjects
Like an online encylopaedia of information to explore
Keep connected with our Duncombe School Blog
Ideas, guides and a gallery of your work
A host of online learning activities (select 'espresso' or 'coding' and use the Duncombe pupil log in)
Links to online learning games
Use your LGFL log in from school to access loads of excellent online activities
Use your LGFL log in from school to access activities for all subjects
Offering activities to develop key skills to succeed
Lots of ideas from the scouts of how to bring the outdoors indoors
Excellent resources to support learning across the curriculum
Twinkl offer timetables, plans and resources for learning at home
Links to music, songs and activities to help EYFS speaking and listening
Games to support phonics learning
Worksheets, flashcards, audio and video to support learning English
Log in to read a whole library of levelled e-books
Lots of games to help sounding out and blending
Watch daily phonics lessons which follow our phonics programme
Fun maths games and activities
Log in to your Doodle Maths account
Explore the fun side of maths with thinking games, number puzzles and more
Sign in to your Mathletics account
LGfL videos explaining mathematical concepts
A glossary of mathematical terms explained
Online maths lesson videos and activities for every year group
Great science resources for EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Support the STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) subjects at home
Ideas for exploring wildlife