Supporting Learning
Parental involvement in children's learning is a priority at Duncombe. We aim to foster and promote home-school links and to give you opportunities and encouragement to become involved in your child’s learning.
This is done by forging links through regular coffee mornings covering how to support your child's learning and development, supporting families to utilise effective home learning, inviting parents into school to watch lessons, sending home weekly updates about each year groups' learning and events as well as a wide range of other support for families throughout the year.
Getting involved
We always welcome parents who want to get involved through the Parents Supporting Duncombe group. In the past, parents have played a role in helping to organise fundraising events and celebrations for the children. Please let the school office know if you are interested in supporting us.
We run regular parent groups in school, such as weekly parents art classes and fitness sessions. We welcome ideas from our families about what activities they would like.
We strive for 100% attendance from all of our pupils at Duncombe, however we understand that when a child is unwell it is often necessary for him or her to stay at home. Parents have a duty to ensure their child is not absent from school when it can be avoided and our Attendance Team are able to support families who may be experiencing issues getting their child into school everyday. Our attendance policy can be read on the School Policies page.
Give Your View
We welcome your feedback. You can click on the link below to give your views via Ofsted's Parent View website: