Pupil Premium Key Principles
Duncombe Primary School is committed to bridging the gap between those children with advantaged backgrounds and those who qualify for Pupil Premium funding through their level of deprivation. We use our funding to enhance four key areas:
- Learning and the curriculum.
- Social, emotional and behaviour support.
- Enrichment beyond the curriculum.
- Supporting families and the community.
The following have been identified as ongoing aims, based on barriers to learning that may affect pupils entitled to Pupil Premium:
- Increase attendance and punctuality
- Reduce the risk of exclusion
- Increase support for parental education
- Increase pupil and parent aspiration and expectation
- Provide a positive school culture to raise attitudes towards education
- Raise awareness of opportunities for education and employment
- Engage agencies to support with income/material deprivation leading to: poor diet, adverse health and well being, family stress
- Increase opportunity for enriching experiences for all our families
- High expectations for all pupils from all staff
Pupil Premium Strategy Report for 2021-2022
Pupil Premium Report for 2020
Sports Funding Impact Statement for 22-23