Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance is a priority at Duncombe School and research both locally and nationally, demonstrates a clear link between good attainment and good attendance in schools. Duncombe takes a whole school approach to maintaining excellent attendance and it is the joint responsibility of parents/carers and all staff members to ensure that children are attending school as they should be.
What is your role as a parent/carer in terms of attendance?
- Bring your child to school on time everyday. Children should arrive in the playground at 8:45am to be ready to start their day at 8:50am.
- Parents/carers should notify the school each day if a pupil is absent. This means ringing each day a pupil will be off ill, unless an indication of how long they’re expected to be off has been given.
- Parents/carers should also give the school advanced notice of any appointments made during school hours. Proof of appointment should also be shown to the office in the form of a text/email/letter, Wherever possible appointments should be made outside of school hours.
It is a parent/carer's legal obligation to get their child into school. If you’re struggling to get your child into school, please speak to the Attendance Officer who can help offer support for you and your child.
The school has established effective attendance and punctuality systems to monitor your child/ren’s attendance. This includes sending out a letter to parent/carers whose child’s attendance and punctuality:
– Falls below 90%.
– Falls between 90% and 96%
– Children that are late
– Children that are continually absent due to illness
If attendance falls below 90% a pupil is classed as a persistent absentee and you will be asked to attend a meeting at school to discuss this.
PLEASE NOTE: All pupils are expected to achieve an average attendance above 96%. When attendance falls below this, progress at school can be seriously affected. Pupils whose attendance is causing particular concern might be referred to the Local Authority. The Government classifies below 90% as persistent absence and requires pupil’s attendance to be closely monitored. The school will establish an effective and efficient system of communication with pupils, parents and appropriate agencies to provide mutual information, advice and support.
We endeavour to work with families to make sure that any problems or circumstances which may lead or be leading to poor attendance are given the right attention and appropriate support. We seek to ensure that all our pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise his/her true potential.