Extended Day Activities
Duncombe's After School Club is run until 5:55pm every day and is open to all Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children.
Early Years children can also attend but due to staff ratios, there are a limited number of places for this age range so places should be organised through the Extended Day Leader via the school office.
Each day, we offer a host of different activities for the children to take part in. Some activities are included within our After School Club, while others form part of our Enrichment Activities offer and are priced differently. Click on the link below for details of the activities offered each day and relevant prices:
All children must be registered before attending our After School Club.
Daily costs for Extended Day from 15:30pm - 17:55pm is: £5.50
A concession rate is available, please speak to Chrissy or Linda for further information.
For more information, please contact the school office or email extended-day@duncombeprimary.co.uk
A fine will be levied for any late collections at the rate of £5 for the first 5 minutes, £10 for the second 10 minutes and £15 for the final 15 minutes. After 6:30pm any uncollected child will be taken to the local police station.