DfE guidance on school uniform states that "if some children look very different to their peers, this can inhibit integration, equality and cohesion." Furthermore, schools should consider "protecting young people from external pressure to wear clothing they would not otherwise choose to adopt, protecting them from harassment, and from having to adopt dress codes associated with extreme or anti-social elements in the wider community, including styles and colours of clothing associated with gangs." At Duncombe, our uniform code will be fully enforced to ensure that we are meeting the needs of children in our community. The Headteacher has the right to send any child home who is dressed inappropriately or has an extreme hairstyle. Children whose dress or hair does not comply with the school policy will not be permitted to represent the school or accompany outings made by their class.
Duncombe uniform is:
- Red polo shirt
- White t-shirt for P.E
- Navy blue sweatshirt OR cardigan
- Black, grey OR navy blue bottoms/skirt. School pinafore dresses are also allowed
- Black, grey OR navy blue socks/tights. Patterns and additional colours are not acceptable for school
- Black OR navy blue plain hijab. Hijab with patterns and additional colours are not to be worn at school
- All black shoes, trainers or boots. Footwear with additional colours can not be worn at school
Purchasing Uniform
School uniform can be purchased from anywhere as long it is within the school colours listed above. Asda, Sainsbury's, Tesco , Argos and others all carry plain school uniform.
If you would like uniform with our school logo on this also availible to buy through Brigade. Click on the links below: